Mission Statement

With a personal and deep love for photography and travel, Vivid Memoir aims at sharing our memories and travel experiences with you.
Founder of Vivid Memoir, Sandi, has had a strong emotional connection and passion towards volunteering and helping the less fortunate in Nepal. To combine all her passions, she is taking memorable images and transforming them into wearable art.
At Vivid Memoir, we believe that in a world full of challenges, we can come together in unity to benefit those who are less fortunate. By manufacturing the products in Nepal, and through your purchases, we truly thank our customers for helping us towards achieving our vision of generating jobs in Nepal, promoting education, providing safety and shelter through rebuilding of houses and schools as a result of the 2014 earthquake. Profits raised through Vivid Memoir are donated towards these Nepali good will projects.
We wish to provide our customers with the story of the images printed on their purchased items, and a range of travel experiences, all which are provided through our blog.